in itemizing these types of people I am NOT accusing or downgrading them. I am only acknowledging their existence. It is not up to me to condemn them they do their "thing," I do mind. But I am entitled to make the distinctions between the various "things."

I may be wrong but I'm led to believe that I have an understanding of the motivations and behavior of heterosexual cross-dressers, FPs, be- cause I am one of them. Their needs, their fears, their guilts, their con- cerns about wives, children, jobs, reputations, etc. I can feel for because I've had them too. I do not feel competent to discuss the needs, fears, desires and problems of the other classes mentioned, so I do not include them in the pages of TVia. But I do not understand why, when I am simply trying to talk to and with my own kind I should be condemned and disparaged for not talking to and for other types of individuals, yet this is the case. If others want to try to provide a pot pouri something- for-everyone type of publication or group, well let them, and if they can satisfy their mixed clientele more power to them, but why try to drag me and TVia along on the same trip?


I think it is only fair 100 to indicate that it is much easier to hike on a trail already broken by somebody else than it is to cut your own. In addition to that it is much easier to hike across a meadow than it is through a dense cover of underbrush. By this I mean that times are much different today than when I began to publish TVia. Nowadays most anything goes and there is no great problem in publishing material dealing with transvestism of any variety. The other side of the same coin is that greater permissiveness in society relieves some of the pres- sures and fears of some of the readers particularly the younger ones. But older persons who have acquired wives, families, mortgages, obli- gations, positions, reputations, etc. are just as concerned about their security today as they ever were. Some persons active in other groups have very little to lose in any case and are therefore impatient with those who are security minded and with my concern for them, and I am taken to task for it. Well, so be it. I broke the trail when the going was tough. I have looked after and been concerned about my subscribers' security and well being for 12 years, I originally made clear the type of person that TVia would be published for and FPE would be composed of, I have therefore a moral contract with my readers to maintain that posi- tion which I shall continue to do. If others wish to do differently let them, but it does seem that if they have something truly worthwhile that they might concentrate on building that up and not spend energy better used elsewhere in running me, TVia, FPE and the principles of all three into the ground. There are plenty of external enemies to